Mrs. Maria Ramirez » Weekly Homework

Weekly Homework

                      Weekly Homework for Mrs. Ramirez' First Grade class 2018-2019

Reading- Students will need to read the Story of the Week :
Spelling- Students will need to write their spelling words for the week 3 times each. 
Sight words-- Each student has the sight word list that they need to practice reading in their homework binders. Students will be tested on ten words each week. Students need to be able to read them in a certain amount of time. 
Math--Students will need to do either a Envision Homework sheet or story problems that deal with the skill they are learning during the current week.  

Tuesday- Reading- Students will need to read the Story of the Week :  (at times students will be given questions about the story that they will need to answer
Spelling- Students will need to write a sentence using their spelling words/ ABC Order sheet
Sight words-- Each student has the sight word list that they need to practice reading in their homework binders.
Math--Students will need to do either a Envision Homework sheet or story problems that deal with the skill they are learning during the current week.  

Wednesday- Students need to take their Library books home to read so they can test on Thursday. Students will need to practice their spelling words and read the story of the week at least once... Parents can time their child for one minute and see how far-- how many words they were able to read. This will help their child with their fluency. 

Thursday-- Reading - Students will need to read the Story of the Week:
Spelling-- students will be give either a word search page in which they need to find their spelling words or they will have to place their spelling words in ABC order. At times students will work on a word sort where they will need to unscramble the letters to spell the words correctly. 
Math--Students will need to do either a Envision Homework sheet or story problems that deal with the skill they are learning during the current week.  

Friday- No home work (There will be times that I will send home the next week's homework with the students just so they have extra time to practice their reading and spelling words.) Students will take their AR books on Friday to read over the weekend and will test on these books the following Monday.