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I was awarded the honor of being named the Teacher of the Year for Castro in March 2016. I was awarded the honor of being named Elementary Teacher of the Year for the whole Mission CISD in May 2016. I have been in education for 19 years. Before I became a teacher here at Joaquin Castro Elementary, I worked for Mission CISD as a permanent sub for 4 years at different schools. This year is start of my 16th year as a teacher. I have done all of my teaching at Captian Joaquin Castro Elementary. During my 16 years of teaching, I have taught 1st grade for 14 years and 2 years in 2nd grade.

I have been involved in different after school club activities with students of all grade levels. I was co-manager for our campus 2 DI teachers. I continue this honor for the 2018-2019.   I have been a DI Judge,  a UIL Math coach for grade 2nd -5th and a spelling coach for 2nd and 3rd grade. I hold a BA is History and am certified as a EC-4 Bilingual Education teacher. I have earned two masters in the areas of Counseling and Educational Administration. I am currently working on getting my Masters In Bilingual Education. I am looking into starting either my EdD in Education or a PhD in Counseling. Education is very important to me, it opens doors to us... Like someone once said to me it is better to have a mind which is always learning and growing and have degrees in your back pocket so when an opportunity presents its self you are ready.  The only way that I can teach my students that we are life long learners that is to show them that people should never stop learning is by setting the example with my own education.. I need to teach them to have an open mindset, even when we don't get it right the first time we keep on trying until we do. There is always something new to learn.

My family is very big on education, My sister works as a teacher at La Joya ISD while her husband is a teacher at Mission CISD.  Mysister-in-law is an administrator in  Mission CISD. I have other family members that work at both Mission CISD and La, Joya ISD in different levels of the educational system.  
I have had the honor to represent my campus in district level meetings during my tenure as a teacher at Castro. I have been part of the DEIC committee.  I have been part of the core RTI team at Captain J. Castro, CLIT team. I currently sever my grade level as its grade level team leader.  I have been grade level team leader for the last few years.